Friday, June 24, 2022

ELizabeth Hurley Grows as a Person

 Are Elizabeth Hurley's boobs getting BIGGER!? Does that happen as women get older? Look, no one said I was complaining, and anyway, those were rhetorical questions because of course they are. The only woman's boobs I pay attention too anymore are Liz's, so if anyone would know if they're growing, it's me. 

By the way. I bet she would look great with short hair. I have to tell you, and I'm speaking from a male point of view - and it's strictly my opinion -  the boobs are great and all, but past a certain age women with long hair start to look insane. Baby Jane didn't walk around with a cute pixie cut did she. Just something to consider Liz. I can stop by later we'll look at some pictures and stuff. Do you have any wine? Of course you do but if not, I can stop along the way and pick some up.