Saturday, May 25, 2019

Natalie Portman Dated Moby?

Natalie Portman called musician (is he?) Moby "a creepy old man" with Natalie Portman apparently forgetting that she's very nearly 40 years old. He's 53. I hate to break this to her, but he's solidly in her dating pool now. Even at 37, she's technically old enough to have grandchildren, and I personally know 37 year old grandparents, so I think she's fooling herself. I once saw a woman on a TV talk show refer to herself as a "young girl". She was 43. I admit in this day and age 43 isn't old at all but let's not get carried away. It's entirely possible her comment was taken out of context but too bad, I didn't read the article and I'm not correcting anything here, what are you my editor? No. You're not. I'm my own man baby and I'll massage these stories in any way that benefits me as I see fit.