Monday, May 6, 2019

Sienna Miller's Boyfriend is a Geek

Sienna Miller got blasted while at a "Pre-Met Gala" party --whatever that means-- that was thrown by Anna Wintour who is apparently famous for running a magazine and being a royal bitch. Boy, sounds like a real fun crowd. Sienna was with her boyfriend and !!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That guy is her boyfriend?! The guy is a fucking geek!! There were four or five pictures of them and he has that expression on his face in all of them. It looks like he just saw a cool, but very loud car accident. And of course his name is Lucas. I would have bet anything his name was Zach but Lucas is close enough. Oh honey you can do better than this. The guy is wearing white tennis shoes for God's sake. I mean what the fuck.Whatever, I don't have to hang out with him.