Tuesday, September 20, 2022

UFOs Attack!

 I've been trying to whip something together because I have to get to my REAL job fast but I'm afraid there's a surprising lack of women in bikinis, but hey, if you'd rather read about a dead 100 year old queen (these are usually written the night or day before you see them) than look at Elizabeth Hurley 98% naked I'm not going to judge you. Oh wait. I will totally judge you.

Anyway, in lieu of all that for now, here's a cool picture of a UFO. Photographed in the 80s. They say that's the Aurora spy plane but planes have wings. Planes on Earth don't fly through our atmosphere without wings, that's not how it works, like, at all. Anyway when I get back this afternoon I'll write more about this because I've been meaning to do this for weeks.  Or maybe I won't I'm not even prepared for what I may or may not do.