Everyone calling those DOGE people "Too young" are forgetting one thing. They are actually adults. In fact most of the DOGE team are
much older than the ones they showed on TV. The oldest person I saw listed was 57 years old and the average age - without doing the math - looks to be somewhere in the mid-30s to mid-40s.
Even if that wasn't the case, so what? By 24 I had a girlfriend I was living with and had been out of my parents house for years at that point, and was fully supporting myself with a job. You know, just like a grown up. Paying bills... watching cable TV... owning a couch... all kinds of things a grown up does. And by 25 I'd started my first business. I was the owner, president, and CEO of a (very small) company that provided services to other people for money. I had letters of incorporation, and an accountant... Just like a grown up. And I'm not some ancient relic from the past that just got discharged from the service after fighting in the South Pacific, or Korea. And you know why I did all of that? Because I was a grown up.
In fact most of my older - some now long gone - relatives fought in a gigantic world war and were back and raising families, some of them even before they were 24. I had on Uncle that fought in TWO wars. All before he was 24. So what, are they worried about the health of these nerdy 24 year olds?
I don't know when people started calling 24 year olds "babies" but they're doing that. I'd guess it all started in the early-ish 2000s when people were allowed to stay on their parents health insurance until they were 26 or 27. It infantilized everyone. Now you got 30 year olds that still live in their room and eat microwaveable dinosaur shaped chicken nuggies for dinner. And theses same people are calling people with real jobs and wives, and sometimes children "too young". Too young for what? Prostate problems?
Anyway, I don't know what the psychological problem the people railing against these guys have but I bet alcohol has a ton to do with it