When I was 18, I dated a stripper and she took what was left of my trust fund - then one of my advisers stole a half-million dollars from me. I've worked at different steakhouses for the last 15 years, but two years ago I was laid off from a restaurant in Henderson, Nevada, due to the economy. I haven't been able to find a job since."... So I either sleep at the homeless shelter I volunteer at, or under a local bridge."
Poor chump. That sucks. But if you're gonna get involved with strippers you should probably know a few things. First, they only like you for your money, second, they usually won't tell you their real names, and they definitely won't see you outside of the club. Except for Raven. She swears that all that is going to be different for me and it's all because of the flowers I send and the hundreds of dollars I give her for her sick mother every week. Hey ex-wife! Who's stupid now?