Friday, September 8, 2017
Courtny Love is Lifelike
Some guy pushed Courtney Love's wax figure into the premier of a movie about fashion week. I'm kidding of course it's not a wax figure it's really her. I think. Why is she so shiny? Does she have a robot face? Is it all the drugs? I'm not a doctor but I'm going to say yes, it's all the drugs. I will never understand the level of fascination some people outside of the people that have to buy them for Sears or whatever have with clothes. Now there's another movie about fashion week? Get a pair of pants and be done with it, life is really, really short. Why is that guy's neck hole in that shirt so big? Why is Courtney's outfit so ugly? A tan jacket with a black dress? And those shoes. Why do women have such terrible taste in shoes? So many questions.