Friday, December 28, 2018

Jared Leto is Wacky

I spend probably 90% of my time here writing about hot women in there 40s etc. Why not? First, it's my blog. Second I'm a super macho dude that likes the ladies and they say "write what you know". So for a change I figured I'd throw the ladies a bone - as they say - and write about a 47 year old shirtless weirdo named Jared Leto. He posted this because it was his "birthday". I don't understand why you'd post a shirtless selfie because it's his birthday but he did. I thought he was an actor, then I thought he was in a band the name of which I have long forgotten and now I don't know what he is. But there he is in all of his 47 year old glory with abs and a Santa hat.I don't know if men get better as they get older like women as I've posited on so, so many occasions, but he has a big necklace so I guess that's something.  I bet he's short. Like 5'9.


I checked Google and wouldn't you know it? He's 5'9. I'm a genius