Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Iggy Azalea's Story is Rich


Iggy Azalea is still posting pictures of herself mostly naked. This time on a yacht which I can absolute guarantee doesn't belong to her, but she knows her "fans" - whoever they are- are blindingly stupid so I'm sure they believe it. 

Let's pretend for a minute it is hers. And we'll be generous and say it's 100 feet long. It costs about $15,000 just to fill up the gas tanks. Once. And the yacht itself would be somewhere in the neighborhood of about $30,000,000. Give or take a million. Even if she is earning $1,000,000 a month from OnlyFans - which I can again guarantee she isn't - how do I know? Because they won't say. I promise if she was making a million dollars a month on OnlyFans she'd tell you for sure. 

You'd have to make a lot more than that to buy what is essentially a $30,000,000 toy. And let's face it, she doesn't have enough class for this.I could be wrong, I could always be wrong. Maybe Iggy Azalea is a financial genius.