Heather Graham wore a bikini in Italy. She doesn't look 54 years old I can tell you that. In fact you can only WISH you look this good at 44 never mind 54. And they said she was in Italy like it was some exotic vacation and not a 21 hour drive away from London. That's basically like driving from Chicago to Atlanta.
Eurotrash assholes love to talk about how much they travel to different countries like it isn't a 45 minute trip from England to France on a boat. Most people in Germany wind up passing through three different countries just to go to the store to get milk. I can't just jump on a bus and be in Canada in a few hours. It takes me an hour just to get to the Wisconsin state line, never mind making it all the way to Canada. I can drive to Indiana in about 45 minutes and that's kind of like a different country I guess.
I get so tired of hearing about it. Sometimes I think we should have just let Hitler have the whole place and been done with it.