Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Who Cares About Olivia Nuzzi


I don't get it, who gives a fuck who this woman is sexting or sleeping with. I'd never even heard of her before a week ago. And so she likes older dudes, who really gives a fuck. I'm older than her (she's 31) and I mean she seems okay and all, but I'm not in my 70s so maybe that makes your tastes change I don't know. Anyway this isn't any of our business. It really isn't And have you seen RFK Jr? The guy's a loony fruit loop all day long and always has been, but the guy -from the neck down anyway- looks 35. And don't forget he's a Kennedy and that means he has money. And a lot of it. And at the risk of sounding sexist, that changes a lot of things for A LOT of women.

Does anyone give the almost teenagers that are sleeping with Leonardo DiCaprio this much grief? It doesn't seem like it to me and I bet you don't even know any of their names.

If there's some problem with her being a reporter and doing this and there's a conflict of interest or something okay fine, you can make that argument but I see very little mention of any of that. So why don't you mind your own business, where do you live, New England in the 1600s? You bunch of puritanical lunatics.

Grow up, stupid assholes.