Saturday, March 1, 2025

Millie Bobby Brown NUDE

Here's Millie Bobby Brown again. I don't know why she's everywhere all of the sudden and I don't know how that kind of weird PR works or if there's a big office you go to, to set this kind of thing up where there's a sudden explosion of media coverage for you and I refuse to do any checking. 

Now look at that picture and tell me those two people are in the very early 20s. Especially Millie Bobby Brown. They aren't, and you don't have to be Inspector Gadget to figure that out. If you asked me to guess her age from this picture alone, I would have guessed mid to late 30s and certainly not the 21 she claims to be. 

Just as an example, Ralph Macchio was 23 when The Karate Kid came out and not 16 like he was supposed to be  in the movie. So it's not as if lying about your age is a criminal offense, if it was 99% of Hollywood would be in Guantanamo Bay.


Michelle Randolph Isn't a Landman

I think I've written about Michelle Randolph before, most likely because she's hot. It wasn't until I wrote this this morning that I realized her name isn't Michelle "Landman" but that's the name of a show that's she's on. None of that changes the fact that I love her and want her to have my baby but that's something we'll have to discuss as a couple. I swear to God you people watch the worst crap imaginable just because it's on the flashing noise box in your living room.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Jennifer Love Hewitt NUDE

 Jennifer Love Hewitt posted a make up free selfie for reasons I no longer remember. I don't know, she looks fine to me. And I can guarantee if she didn't look fine, she wouldn't have done this. Posting make up free selfies isn't the huge deal you think it is if you're good looking to begin with


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Millie Bobby Brown is Old


They said fans were left "baffled" by Millie Bobby Brown's "real" age when it was "revealed" she's "21". Most people said they thought she was a decade older than that. And do you know why you thought that? Because she is. That's a 31 -- at least -- year old woman. They said all of this while she was standing next to her "22" year old husband (no known photographs). You believe that? Some 21 year old is married? In Hollywood? In 2025? 

I've been alive for a while now, and I've lived in the third largest city in the country for most of my life. I've had multiple jobs, and owned multiple businesses and done all kinds of crazy shit, and do you know how many 21 year olds I've met that were married? Out of all the uncountable thousands of people I've ever met in my lifetime?


So be real. A 21 year old is a junior in college. Does the woman in that picture really look like a junior in college to you? If it does you need to leave the house once in a while. Plus she's hot, and I'm not attracted to woman that are under 35 and my Sex Radar would let me know if she was. I honestly don't understand this age shaving that's still going on in this day and age but that's the world we live in. So she's 34 (that would be my guess) who gives a shit. I'm not even sure why I know the name Millie Bobby Brown, until about 10 minutes ago I thought he was a rapper in the 80s or something. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Emma Stone is on Fire



They said everyone is freaking out over Emma Stone's new haircut. I'm not sure why, I dig chicks with short hair I just think it makes them more...interesting? Confident? I'm not sure.

And I'm not sure when or how Emma Stone became the new Joan of Arc but for some reason she seems to be treated that way by people on the internet. Of course, you people are a bunch of dumbasses so I can't say that surprises me all that much



Something is wrong with the link (the yellow words) and I'm not fixing it. If you need to know more about Emma Stone's haircut you need to get a life

Thursday, February 20, 2025

DOGE Team Begins the Life of an Adult

 Everyone calling those DOGE people "Too young" are forgetting one thing. They are actually adults. In fact most of the DOGE team are much older than the ones they showed on TV.  The oldest person I saw listed was 57 years old and the average age - without doing the math - looks to be somewhere in the mid-30s to mid-40s.

 Even if that wasn't the case, so what? By 24 I had a girlfriend I was living with and had been out of my parents house for years at that point, and was fully supporting myself with a job. You know, just like a grown up. Paying bills... watching cable TV... owning a couch... all kinds of things a grown up does. And by 25 I'd started my first business. I was the owner, president, and CEO of a (very small) company that provided services to other people for money. I had letters of incorporation, and an accountant... Just like a grown up. And I'm not some ancient relic from the past that just got discharged from the service after fighting in the South Pacific, or Korea. And you know why I did all of that? Because I was a grown up.

In fact most of my older - some now long gone - relatives fought in a gigantic world war and were back and raising families, some of them even before they were 24. I had on Uncle that fought in TWO wars. All before he was 24. So what, are they worried about the health of these nerdy 24 year olds?

 I don't know when people started calling 24 year olds "babies" but they're doing that. I'd guess it all started in the early-ish 2000s when people were allowed to stay on their parents health insurance until they were 26 or 27. It infantilized everyone. Now you got 30 year olds that still live in their room and eat microwaveable dinosaur shaped chicken nuggies for dinner. And theses same people are calling people with real jobs and wives, and sometimes children "too young". Too young for what? Prostate problems? 

Anyway, I don't know what the psychological problem the people railing against these guys have but I bet alcohol has a ton to do with it

Monday, February 17, 2025

Sydney the Ring Girl gets Famous AND IS NUDE

 Sydney Something is trying to make the adjustment to sudden "fame" after she was the ring girl for the Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight which I'd already forgot even happened. Don't worry, as attractive as you are, your "fame" is going to be very, very short lived so don't get adjusted too fast. I accidentally closed the source story too quickly less than five minutes ago and I already forgot your last name. 

I'm not trying to be mean but if you think you're the only cute blonde with big tits and nice abs you need to scroll Instagram or any random porn site for about 10 minutes some day, so I hope you're super cool or something on top of all of your physical attractiveness.


I just spent multiple minutes scrolling around looking for the original story so I could link it for you guys but I can't find it now. If you want to know more about her, just type "Sydney Ring Girl" or something into Google. Let me know what you find if you feel like it although it's not really necessary.

Jason Momoa Update

Remember Jason Momoa? Boy I sure do. Well here he is again doing something for SNL. I'm sure glad I get these once yearly updates about what Jason Momoa is doing. His girlfriend is cute. I guess. Way to go dude. He's probably cool. Maybe he isn't honestly I don't care one way or the other

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Brooks Nader is 29 going on 40

 I was sort of flipping around looking at various "news" when I saw something about a television show called The White Lotus. It's the latest bottom of the barrel kind of garbagey tripe you people get obsessed with for some reason, and they mentioned model Brooks Nader along with a lot of other people that are in it that I've also never heard of. 

Anyway I thought Brooks Nader was hot so I looked her up and here's an interesting stat. They said she's 29. I literally gasped when I saw that. You know why? Because Brooks Nader- as hot as she it - hasn't been 29 since probably 2011. I'll say again what I've said 100 times. I don't care if she's 29 or 69 but this kind of lie is an infuriating insult to the intelligence of anyone that has an even half-functional brain. It's not important you say? It was important enough for the original story to mention it, I'm just a counter-point. And by the way, I've been correct before.

Oh wait a minute I just found out The White Lotus has Sydney Sweeney in it too. Maybe I should be watching this is what I would say if I was a mental patient. Anyway, Happy future birthday Brooks, whenever you say that is. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Taylor Swift. The Lady in Red

 Taylor Swift was also at the Grammys. She's hot, right? Her music is mediocre and forgettable on it's best day, but you people are morons that lap this shit up like a stray cat that hasn't eaten in three days so they keep making more.

Like I said I didn't watch this shit show so a bomb could have gone off that blew off Bono's wig and I wouldn't know it.

Sheryl Crow Alive. Still Hot

 Sheryl Crow was at the Grammys last night. Why? I don't have the first idea. I forgot they still did the Grammys so I don't understand who could possibly give a shit about the Grammys in this day and age. Like I said, I forgot they were on, I forgot they existed, and I have no idea why Sheryl Crow was there. I haven't heard or thought about Sheryl Crow in almost 30 years. I also didn't realize Sheryl Crow was 63 years old. She's still hot so she could be 73 for all I care.

But at 63 years old why do you give a shit about this crap. You have an estimated net worth of $70 million dollars, why aren't you in a garden somewhere feeding butterflies with milkweed or whatever 63 year old multi-millionaires do. I know exactly ONE Sheryl Crow song so I have no idea how she managed to bank $70 million dollars off of that, who is buying all of these albums? The Chinese government that's who

Friday, January 31, 2025

Jessica Simpson Takes a Pass

Jessica Simpson wore a bikini to "show off her revenge body" after her split from "Eric Johnson". Did she show him what he's missing? 

Eric Johnson and Jessica Simpson were married for 10 years and have three kids together. Being the only male in the room, I can promise you Eric Johnson knows exactly what he's missing. I'm making up this scenario in my head but it's pretty easy to imagine... 

He's missing a brain dead idiot who most likely was passed out at the kitchen island by 2 pm every day. And if she did bother to wake up and brush her hair she probably took day time cold medicine to stay awake long enough to mix a few more drinks. Allegedly. All of that is just a guess of course. Go ahead and guess, give it a try.


 Are Reese Witherspoon and Kate Winslet feuding? Why don't you read this story and let me know.  Of all the things I don't care about, I care about this the least. I don't normally think about Reese Witherspoon and haven't since Legally Blonde in 2001. And when I hear "Kate Winslet" I assume she's in another period drama about The Irish Republican Army or something set in the UK the 1940s or 1950s where everyone drives around in British taxi cabs and she wears a shawl or something. 

 If anything a fight between these two might actually make them less boring

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Kylie Jenner BOOBS NUDE

 Plastic faced, latex sex robot, Kylie Jenner put on an unreasonably expensive dress and took her tits somewhere for Paris Fashion Week. I hope they had a good time. By the way, this is a picture of a picture. I don't know why someone with an entire staff of photographers and photo shop artists would post this on their Instagram but she did.

On the other hand the picture itself does look kind of cool, the way it sort of looks like something out of They Live where they break into the broadcast TV shows with their pirate messages, you know what I man? Of course you do. Whatever, I hope her tits enjoy their time walking around Paris, eating croissants with cheese or whatever they do over there

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bill Belichick is a Stud

 Bill Belichick has a 24 year old girlfriend named Jordan Hudson. I don't get this one at all. You all know how I feel about "age gaps" but this one is sort of weird to me. I've seen stories about this relationship for a while now but I don't know who Bill Belichick is so I just mostly ignored it.

 It tuns out he has something to do with football and he isn't the befuddled manager of the grocery store in Mayberry. She's obviously a lunatic, I mean just look at her so the less said about her the better, I don't need her showing up at my house with all the free eggs she's getting.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Site Update

 I'm sorry gang, I know I said I'd try to write more stuff in 2025 for the eight people that actually read this crap, but I got sicker than I've even been in my life on Tuesday night. It was very weird, one second I was absolutely fine then a minute later I couldn't make it up the stairs to get in bed. It was like someone drugged me. The weirdest thing is how fast it's gotten to the point where I can write this but man I still can't sift through all that celebrity crap right now.

Two things, I'll be fine by tomorrow I'm sure, and secondly, I used to think Kristen Bell was the hottest human female on Earth before she somehow morphed into America's Sweetheart Housewife. It doesn't have to be this way ladies.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Elsa Pataky Nude Beach

Most people are talking about some new guy becoming president so I thought I'd switch it up and talk about Elsa Pataky at the beach. Her husband was around there somewhere but no one gives a shit about him. For real when's the last time you thought about Elsa Pataky's husband.

I'm not really sure why, but I actually prefer a one piece bathing suit on a woman as opposed to a bikini. Maybe it's some weird psycho-sexual hang up I have no idea. I've never bothered to look for an answer because I'm not ruining anything. 

I once looked up why guys like women in high heels and from what I read, it has something to do with women looking physically unstable in heels and it triggers some kind of primitive rescue reaction in the man's brain which sounds like a bunch of bullshit gobbledygook to me so I stopped checking why people like things. I just do and that's good enough for me

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sofia Vergara: The Nude Cougar Files

Sofia Vergara is rumored to be dating "F1 megastar" Lewis Hamilton. Being an F1 megastar is kind of like being the smartest kid on the short bus. 

They called her a "cougar" because he's younger than her, apparently forgetting that he's a 40 year old man. 40 years old is middle aged. In fact he'd have to live to be 80 to be middle aged and while that's certainly possible most people die in their 70s. He's probably already getting close to needing reading glasses and they decide to call her a cougar.

 Sometimes I think you guys just say shit you read on the internet without knowing what those words actually mean. If Lewis Hamilton had a 19 or 20 year old son and Sofia Vergara started dating HIM, then she'd be a cougar. Otherwise this is just two old people fucking.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Jennifer Lopez NUDE Bikini Pictures

Jennifer Lopez put on a bikini while she was in Aspen. See? This is that whole bikini thing I was talking about. It's winter in Aspen Colorado right now, why would you even bring a bikini with you? She looks pretty good in a bikini though doesn't she? Not like Eva Longoria but every one is different

Look, if people want to print endless stories about Latina women that are over 40 in bikinis I have absolutely no problem with that but I don't think you guys want to read more than a few of those per day. Do you? Because I'll be honest, I'll write them.

Is Hugh Jackman GAY NUDE

Some Hollywood "insiders" are whispering that Hugh Jackman "may" be gay. I've been saying that for 10 years at least. Much longer than I've actually been writing about my suspicions.  But don't worry they asked Hugh about it and he said, "No I'm not gay, no way" and then he we for a shirtless run with his Speedo wearing younger male personal trainer on the beach. So at least that clears that up.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Carrie Underwood Changes?

Some people - crazy shut-ins and fat old women that are drunk by 11am mostly - are complaining that Carrie Underwood has had too much plastic surgery. Did she? Because I can't tell if she did. There were a bunch of pictures of her on the original story but they all looked pretty much the same to me so I picked the one I liked the best. And even if she did she looks great, so what. That's why people get plastic surgery.

There were some pictures from 2005 which are TWENTY years old now when she herself was 20 years old so of course she looks different now that she's in her 40s. Do you even remember even being 20 years old? Anyway I always thought she was hot so maybe I'm biased. Oh don't get me wrong her music is awful but we can get past all that can't we Carrie?



Keeley Hazell is 38 Years Old

 Keeley Hazell is 38 years old in case you want to know how old Keeley Hazell is. If you want to actually know who Keeley Hazell is, that's someone else's job. That was what this whole story was about and of course there's the obligatory bikini picture. Tune in later for more Keeley Hazell news


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Miley Cyrus Side Boob

 Miley Cyrus was at The Golden Globes but I don't know why. I also don't know why I'm writing about Miley Cyrus in 2025. But they said she showed "side boob" so why not. I've always said I thought she was hot but in a very "good enough for last call" kind of way. I hope she won her award or whatever but honestly, I have no idea what she even does anymore. 

Eva Longoria Bikini Pics

 Eva Longoria wore a bikini and someone took her picture. Look I know, I'm trying here. It's 2025 now and I swear I'll try to do better but over the last seven days this is just about the most exciting thing I've seen in celebrity "news".  They said she wore this on her holiday in Spain but I thought she moved there. So it's more like her day off in Spain isn't it? I don't "Vacation in Chicago",  I'm already here.

I saved this story to write about on January 2nd and I've seen two other stories about Eva Longoria since then, and they're all about her bikinis, how she looks in her bikinis and how she's going to various beaches while wearing a bikini, so there isn't a whole lot I can do about it and believe me, if I didn't think Eva Longoria was so hot I wouldn't bother. You wouldn't believe how many "Women in a Bikini" stories I actually don't write about. 

Man. Eva Longoria looks good in a bikini though doesn't she? And she'll be 50 years old in a few weeks so some of you youngsters could learn a few things from her

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Big Joe Biden Mystery. NUDE


They said Joe Biden had a "mystery mark" on his hand and said no one's sure where he got it. Joe Biden is a 108 year old barely mobile brain stem that doesn't remember he has hands or where the mark came from, why would you know?

Joe Biden doesn't remember where he was this morning, I'm surprised he remembers his own name and for all we know at times he may not.  The problem is, this guy is supposedly in charge and nobody's seen him in any real way in almost six months

Just a couple more weeks and we never have to hear about this guy again.

Friday, January 3, 2025


 Is Kristin Cavallari dating Kevin Costner? Because I thought she wanted to date him. In the last four or five days I've seen at least three stories about this woman, and all she seems to do is go on podcasts and talk about people she's slept with, and her sex life. Which is fine, I'm all about doing your thing but isn't there anything else? It's a very weird universe these B-List "celebrities" live in. I can see why you'd want an attractive blonde on your podcast to talk about sex but Kristin Cavallari talking about who she's fucking this week has got to start getting boring after a while. She's nearly 40 years old, she must have done something else in her life worth talking about