Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Naomi Watts has Skin

Naomi Watts talked about her skin regimen I guess because that's all she does. What I don't understand is this fixation people have with age. The reason I say that is, the main headline where I stole this from had her age in GIANT numbers included. Why don't you guess what her age is without looking it up. Maybe 45? 42? How about 38?  No she's 52. But so what?

 It's likely if she told you any of those numbers you'd believe her. I would. Why does it matter? She can say no to you just as easily at 52 as she could have at 35.  I'd say that picture was airbrushed, or photo shopped but the other pictures that were included looked mostly just like that so it's not as if she's been turned into a cartoon character like I've seen so many times. I saw one lady on Instagram that used so many filters her goddamn mouth disappeared. I'm not joking either, I wish I was. 

Now here comes the hard part. Hard for you I mean...

She looks like that at 52 because she's Naomi Watts. If you graduated from college, and then spent the last 25 years birthin' babies, driving minivans, eating at McDonald's and Arby's and getting your hair styled so the manager of every store you walk into meets you at the customer service desk out of reflex every time you walk through the door, whatever she's selling isn't going to help. I'm sorry you had to hear that, but his whole "looking young" thing is a process that starts in your late 20's. Not your mid-40s.