Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tinashe is Still Famous (?)

 Tinashe - who I've shockingly written about before  six years ago - went on Jimmy Kimmel live which is where ALL the cool people go for reasons known only to the 1/350th of the US population that actually watch that garbage dump, to perform music or maybe a puppet show. But it was probably music. (I know nothing about that linked website it was the first one to show the numbers so I grabbed it). Man you really gotta want fame and fortune to still be doing this kind of BS for six years and still have very few people overall know who you are. It seems pretty desperate to me but hey it's her life.

And no I don't know why she did it dressed like a mutant biker's back seat gun moll from a 1980s style SyFy Channel movie. Still, I think it's pretty hot so I might be poking fun but deep down inside maybe I love her. No. I DO love her. Fine I admit it.