Thursday, December 22, 2022

Paulina Porizkova Keeps Talking

 Paulina Porizkova blathered on and on about getting older and being 57 and helping other women yadda yadda yadda... how should I know I only skimmed it. All of which is easy for her to say she still looks like this, so give me a break. Anyway, I will say I'm sure somewhere in that endless stream of nonsense she probably brought up her gray hair, and being single or whatever.  No one cares. 

 Gray hair is just like any hair. I personally know a girl that's in her 30s that dyed her hair a silver/gray on purpose, it doesn't necessarily make you look "old", but it can make you look CRaZy so it's a very fine tightrope to walk. It's a difficult "look" to pull off but the same goes for any hair color it all depends on the person.  I'm a pretty average dude and trust me, gray hair is not a deal breaker, not by any stretch of the imagination. And if it is you're probably better off without a guy like that around anyway.