Friday, December 22, 2023

Gwyneth Paltrow is Hot

 Gwyneth Paltrow went somewhere warm enough so she could wear a bikini. I like looking at this picture for a couple of reasons. Number one, I like mostly naked women. And two, it's currently 39 degrees in Chicago and it's raining that kind of misty rain where it's not really rain yet it's kind of everywhere so even standing under an awning or umbrella would do you zero good and this kind of picture takes me to a happier place. 

Also I somehow managed to get really sick and this is sort of low hanging fruit. Speaking of fruit she was with her daughter, Apple, and trust me, Gwyneth is hotter. Way hotter. So much so that I actually kind of feel bad for the kid. I won't personally include any pictures of a kid (even though she is 19) because as far as I know she never asked to be famous but I will include a link that has pictures if you're that curious. 

Can you imagine being a 19 year old girl and you bring home some guy and you look out at the pool and Gwyneth Paltrow is out there in a bikini? I can imagine a lot of self-harm like cutting and eating disorders going on in that house but I don't have a daughter so maybe I'm wrong (I'm not)