Sunday, October 21, 2018

Selma Blair has MS

I know I make fun of people a lot on here. Some of it justified, maybe some of it not. But Selma Blair says she has multiple sclerosis and that sucks. Like for real.
“I am disabled. I fall sometimes. I drop things. My memory is foggy. And my left side is asking for directions from a broken gps,” Blair revealed. “But we are doing it.”
According to the former Anger Management actress, she was first diagnosed with MS on August 16.
 I know, or I guess I should say I very distantly knew, a girl that has multiple sclerosis. We were having a conversation and she told me she was diagnosed as having it that week, and a month later she needed a cane just to walk. She stopped coming around so I'm not entirely sure what happened to her but I'm sure it wasn't good. What do you say, "good luck with having MS"? I don't know I'm never any good with stuff like this.