Friday, June 7, 2019

Kate Beckinsale Cocaine Messages

There was a story about Kate Beckinsale sharing texts with her daughter about cocaine or something but I saw the picture of her standing in the bathroom dressed like the 1989 version of Vicki Vale and that was enough for me because I'm not reading that crap. And as much as I like Kate let's be honest, if it wasn't for me and The Daily Mail who else would talk about her. I'm sure she's very nice and maybe she feeds stray animals but c'mon. And she may be a fine actress but I wouldn't know. I think I saw her in this one thing where they're in a hotel? And people watch other people get murdered? Something like that. It seemed like pretty standard murder/gore nerd/studio tax write off movie. Man she's good looking isn't she? But there was that whole Pete Davidson thing so you may as well start that hepatitis cure you see in those TV commercials right away if you go within five feet of her.