Friday, February 28, 2020

Lil Kim Celebrates Halloween Early

 "Li'l Kim" went out to dinner dressed like a Kabuki actress. Why? Didn't someone at home stop her and say "Hey wait a second, we need to talk before you go out"? Friends are important. They're around to tell you uncomfortable things sometimes, like maybe don't wear your Halloween makeup to dinner. Or maybe this picture was taken outside of a Benihana and she works there now. It's almost impossible to stay on top of the celebrity heap and if you didn't save any of the money you earned, this is what could happen.

  I thought L'il Kim was from the 90s? Or maybe it's the early 2000s?  I don't honestly even know if she was a rapper or a singer. Let's be serious,  haven't they run out of shit to rap about? How many different ways can you talk about money, and bitches? Do we even need a 'Lil Kim anymore?  I would think no, but you people have the absolute worst taste in music, and it's not against the law to like shitty things, so you get nostalgia acts like this charging $300 a ticket which you morons seem only too happy to pay.

!!!!UPDATE!!!! what the fuck is with the make up?