Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Leonardo DiCaprio Goes Swimmng

Leonardo DiCaprio and his girlfriend went to the beach. She looks so young in that picture that it actually makes me uncomfortable. I've written about this kind of thing over and over, but...I don't know... this picture triggers a lot of what I can only assume are evolutionary alarms for me. She looks like a child. Anyway it's none of of my business, they're both consenting adults, I mean she's 22, and whether you like it or not that's an adult. She can sign a contract, buy a house, join the Marines, Marry a 45 year old or do anything that a 50 year old can do. In the eyes of the law she's as grown up as the Queen of England.  I'm more concerned about why they're wearing masks in public on an empty street, but not at what I can only logically assume is a crowded beach. You people live by such schizophrenic rules that seem only to apply when it's convenient for you, that I don't know why you aren't constantly all in therapy or on some kind of prescription medication.Which for all I know you probably are.