Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Kate Beckinsale Plus 22 = What

Kate Beckinsale has a new boyfriend named Goody Grace. They called him a "rocker" but I have my doubts. Maybe she likes his skinny jeans and Aunt Bea sweater. It's funny, I was just mentioning how I don't care about age gaps and have zero problems with any gap no matter the size. But this guy is 22. I was actually kind of harsh on Leonardo DiCaprio for basically the same thing. I mean c'mon the guy was in high school in 2016.

 If you ask me this is borderline pedophilia. What in the world could you possibly talk about with a 22 year old, beer bongs? Edibles? Okay, okay yes, yes it's a sex thing, but once again he's 22. He was probably a virgin as recently as 2015, how good at it could he be?  The source said he's one year older than Kate's daughter, but think of it this way. Even if his mother was 23 when she had him, that means his mother is younger than Kate Beckinsale.

After skipping around and reading a little more about him they said this guy is a rapper. Hahaha. What? That's the only link I'm providing if you want to know more, that's your problem.  But okay, you know what? I'm done with this. Another snow white Canadian rapper. I don't even like rap but even to me that sounds the same as building Ferraris in Poland. Hey, It's your life. Maybe take him to Disneyland. Or Parrot Jungle is nice, I went there once when I was like 8 years old and got bitten by a cockatoo.