Saturday, July 16, 2022

Forget Lizzo Here's Sofia Richie

I was going to write about Lizzo today and how she was all dressed up like a hippopotamus draped in a shiny circus tent and then thank God Sofia Richie showed up in a bikini. She's 23 years old and therefore substantially below my minimum age requirements but celebrity types are usually a little different than average citizens, mentally speaking, so I may let that slide this one time. I think she's Lionel Richie's daughter but I hate his music - yes even The Commodores - plus I thought she was buddies with Paris Hilton? But Paris Hilton is in her 40s so Sophie Richie probably couldn't have been hanging out with her 15 or 20 years ago so I have no idea who she is now. All I know is she looks good in blue and really that's all that matters.