Monday, March 27, 2023

Justine Bateman Ages Gracefully

 Justine Bateman says she likes her "old face". In case you don't know she's Jason Bateman's sister and was on a sitcom called Family Ties 40 years ago. Honestly and I'm not kidding I thought she died. But no she just looks like she did. She's 57. Not 77. 

 Especially if you consider other people in their mid-50s

 Jennifer Aniston (54)  Donna D'Errico (56) Sandra Bullock (58)


That's the face of a drinker right there. A bourbon drinker. That isn't natural aging. And don't forget her brother. Who, even though he irritates the fuck out of me, still looks normal, and they share the same genetic material. 

Whatever I'm glad she's happy with her bourbon face - I mean - old face.