Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Avril Lavigne Sees Red

 ///!!!SEXY UPDATE!!! I wrote the following two stories a couple days ago and then I got busy at work and this took a backseat (I forgot) so they may or may not seem a little outdated but they're here and I'm not ditching them because you think Avril Lavigne is a has-been...///

Somebody somewhere in the world is still calling Avril Lavigne "edgy" instead of describing her as a person rapidly closing in on her 40s (next year)  that still shops at Hot Topic. 

Oh I know, that's right, it's England that does that because it's still 2003 there. Hell they're still talking about the guys from the 1990s "alternative rock" band Oasis over there. Stepping off the plane at Heathrow must be like walking out of a time machine.