Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Pamela Anderson is Still Doing This

Pamela Anderson put on a bikini and posted some pictures. She has plenty of money, so I don't understand why this is necessary. Okay so I just learned I guess it's some partnership with a bikini company. Fine then. Listen she has $20 million dollars in the bank, she's still hot, and she's 55 years old. How much more money do you need? How much more time do you think you have on this planet?  Being famous absolutely must be like a drug because otherwise I don't understand. 

Why you don't take your mountain of money and just disappear into a nifty remote mansion/cabin somewhere and spend your days fishing or sailing or rowing a boat to nowhere or something. I just do not get it. I have a very serious problem with the men she chooses too, so maybe she isn't all that bright, but I really have no idea, but then again, it's not my life. If you want to waste it doing this stupid bullshit when you absolutely don't have too and spend your nights hooking up with men that would be in jail if they weren't famous then by all means, knock yourself out.