Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Jennifer Lopez "Parties"

 It was Jennifer Lopez's 54th birthday and to celebrate she threw a party and danced on the table like a moronic 23 year old. This is the last straw. Honestly, I'm not writing about this woman anymore. Seriously, we're halfway through 2023 who gives a shit about Jennifer Lopez anymore. She should take her money and go retire to Sedona and paint pictures of vaginas or whatever it is old lesbians do when they retire.

You know what I did notice was missing from those pictures? Ben Affleck. If there's one thing I imagine you DO NOT do if you're involved in a relationship with Jennifer Lopez, is miss her birthday. Can you even imagine? This wasn't some spur of the moment hey let's have some fun party. I bet nothing Jennifer Lopez does is never not planned down to the last detail.  Including very heavily filtered pictures. 

My guess is divorce papers were already being drawn up earlier in the week and that's why he's not there. Or she killed him. There really is no other explanation.