Saturday, March 1, 2025

Millie Bobby Brown NUDE

Here's Millie Bobby Brown again. I don't know why she's everywhere all of the sudden and I don't know how that kind of weird PR works or if there's a big office you go to, to set this kind of thing up where there's a sudden explosion of media coverage for you and I refuse to do any checking. 

Now look at that picture and tell me those two people are in the very early 20s. Especially Millie Bobby Brown. They aren't, and you don't have to be Inspector Gadget to figure that out. If you asked me to guess her age from this picture alone, I would have guessed mid to late 30s and certainly not the 21 she claims to be. 

Just as an example, Ralph Macchio was 23 when The Karate Kid came out and not 16 like he was supposed to be  in the movie. So it's not as if lying about your age is a criminal offense, if it was 99% of Hollywood would be in Guantanamo Bay.


Michelle Randolph Isn't a Landman

I think I've written about Michelle Randolph before, most likely because she's hot. It wasn't until I wrote this this morning that I realized her name isn't Michelle "Landman" but that's the name of a show that's she's on. None of that changes the fact that I love her and want her to have my baby but that's something we'll have to discuss as a couple. I swear to God you people watch the worst crap imaginable just because it's on the flashing noise box in your living room.