Saturday, December 21, 2019

Demi Lovato is Single Again (?)

Demi Lovato, who is apparently the best selfie taker in the known universe, has a new boyfriend named Austin G. "Suburban Thug" Wilson. Or maybe they broke up, what difference does it make. She's done anyway and no one gives a shit anymore. I love all of his "gangsta" tough guy face tattoos. They really go with his new hair color.  Although I admit they'd probably be a lot scarier on someone that wasn't 5'5" tall and weighed more than 110 pounds. I'm in no way intimidated by "men" that wouldn't make the high school football team. Just once I'd love to drop some of these clowns off at Independence and Madison on Chicago's West Side on a hot July night and if they make it back to my house alive, I'll bake them some cookies. Do I bake cookies? No, and my guess would be I wouldn't have to.