Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hillary Clinton is a Fountain of Youth

Hillary Clinton is being hailed as the youngest presidential candidate that ever lived after she had some work done on her face. And of course everyone from "The Washington Post" to "Mother Jones" to "Crazy Hoarder that Hates Trump That Everyone Avoids" is saying it makes her look "radiant" and "younger than ever"and not at all like a corpse at a wake or maybe the Tall Man from Phantasm.

 Some of you people live in an alternate universe I swear to fucking God. You really have to start coming to grips with this, it's not healthy at all. Get help. If it affected only you I'd say fine, but your obvious mental health issues are bleeding out into the rest of the world and it's starting to harm normal people's lives. Like mine, and I have enough problems I don't want to listen to yours too.