Thursday, November 3, 2022

Maya Rudolph is Sensitive

Maya Rudolph says she still feels traumatized because David Letterman mispronounced her name. Thirteen years ago

'He said my name wrong, and I just sat there, like, 'I grew up my whole life in love with you.' And now my heart is broken. And I'm sitting here embarrassed and humiliated.'

Growing increasingly dramatic, the comedienne continued: 'I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't know how to come up with something funny to say. My public persona muscle wasn't strong yet.' 

Over time, she said she adjusted - and has since grown a thicker skin. 'I've definitely gotten much better,' she told the publication.

What a fruit cake. This isn't some kid, she was almost 40 years old in 2009 when this happened. Having your name mispronounced by some guy that meets thousands of people a year is one of the worst things that's ever happened to you? Really? What a sheltered life she must've lead.  Something is wrong in your brain. I'd say this is all because she's some kind of genius like Rain Man and she processes information and things differently than the average person but I'm not seeing a lot of genius here. But then again who can say, maybe in 1500 years they'll dig up the writings of Maya Rudolph and have the computers teach it all to your kids.