Monday, January 9, 2023

Kristin Cavallari Has No Job


Kristin Cavallari did another "photo shoot". What all these "photo shoots" are for is anyone's guess because they never actually say. Is this a job? How do you get paid for having pictures taken of yourself? I just do not understand. Maybe she's independently wealthy. Here are some pictures of the house where she grew up.  That lake? Yeah, it's private. Barrington, Illinois is about 30 minutes from where I live, and a lot of Barrington, Illinois looks like Batman lives there, so it's likely she doesn't even have to work, if she ever did.  

 She appeared in four episodes of "The League" - 10 years ago, was married to a quarterback, three years ago, and made a "special appearance" on "The Hills" remake two years ago. Are big companies really clamoring for yet another kind of attractive blonde with a spotty work history and an Instagram account to be their spokes-model? How many of these empty vessels do we need?

My fall back position is always that I'm probably the one that's out of touch but the only time I ever see her get talked about is on The Daily Mail: Where Celebrities Go to Die. I don't know man, all I can really hope for is that I'll be dead soon and that will make everything all better.