Friday, December 29, 2017

The Russians are Coming for Your Jokes

A couple of Russian "pranksters" called the US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and pretended to be the Polish Prime Minister. Shit, that's practically a self writing joke right there. "Russian pranksters and a Polish guy walk into a bar and order too much Vodka and die from alcohol poisoning" HAHAHAHA. Whatever, as long as it keeps them off the roads and away from my light bulbs where they can't do any real damage.

Anyway, they pranked her by making up a fake country named Binomo near China or something and really let her have it because prank phone calls are still a thing in Russia I guess...

'You know Binomo?' he asked. 
'Yes, Yes,' Haley said. 
'They had elections and we suppose Russians had its intervention,' the fake PM said. 
'Yes, of course they did, absolutely. We've been watching that very closely,' she responded, likely confused as to what they were talking about.
'We will continue to watch that as we deal with the issues that keep coming up about the South China Sea.' 
He then asked what the US would do about it, to which Haley gave a vague and unconvincing answer. 
'Let me find out exactly what our stance is on that, and what if anything the US is doing or things should be done, and I will report back to you on that as well,' she said. 
Vovan and Lexus said the whole conversation lasted for about 30 minutes.
Hilarious. I hope my sides stop aching before I go out tonight. The "vague and unconvincing answer" means she's not actually listening to you. Maybe the Russians should stick to getting drunk, creating a monkey army, black market clothing and shitty driving and maybe leave the comedy to more developed nations. Like Japan