Saturday, February 12, 2022

Channing Tatum for the Ladies

 Channing Tatum posed for some pictures for some magazine(?) that apparently has a mostly gay audience and I'm posting one of them here for you. Isn't that neat? I'm being proactive. I say it's probably a "gay" magazine because if you asked 10 women in private if they thought a picture like that was sexy I'd imagine 9 1/2  of them would say no. See, things like that - and I'm speaking generally so keep your shirt on -  don't appeal to women. Usually. I'm sorry you don't understand women the way I do, but is that my fault? Nope. If you did some sit ups and bought a new shirt maybe a girl would talk to you and you'd learn something.

And I haven't really heard much about Channing Tatum these last few years but maybe it's just me since the last thing I remember him being in was that stripper movie and I never saw it. Now before you get any ideas I'm not threatened by other good looking dudes. There are plenty of guys in Hollywood that are considered "hunks" that seem okay to me, but for some reason, Channing Tatum just strikes me as a dirt eating moron and he rubs me the wrong way. But I could be wrong (I'm not).