Saturday, February 5, 2022

Reese Witherspoon is Dull

 I don't write about Reese Witherspoon much, mostly because I'm totally indifferent to her. She's nice looking and seems smart I guess and she's probably funny - maybe - but I don't know, I just don't notice her. If she moved into the house across the street I'd wave at her and help if she fell down or something but otherwise I probably wouldn't even notice. Honestly I don't know why.

I typed all of that because someone interviewed her about how she fared during "Dry January". See what I mean? It's such an average, run of the mill thing. And on top of all that, they called her "The Election actress" and that movie came out in 1999. I don't even remember who was president in 1999 and I was alive then. I don't know she just seems so boring. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Enjoy your average, run of the mill life I guess.