Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tobey Maguire is Young at Heart

49 year old Tobey Maguire has a new 20 year old girlfriend named Lilly Chee. I personally can't for the life of me imagine what you'd see in a girl - she's a girl - that was worried about her prom dress in 2022. She can't even legally buy a beer, but whatever floats your boat. Like I've said a thousand times, age gaps of any kind don't bother me in the slightest. It's not my business, she's a grown up with free will, and if they're happy, what difference does it make. I guess I just don't get it at all. What would you talk to her about, emojis? Taylor Swift?

I'll tell you what. I will do my best to explain the older man/younger woman dynamic for you right now, as simply as I can. 

Tobey Maguire is 49 years old, the problem is, Tobey Maguire doesn't think he's 49 years old. Tobey Maguire thinks he's 25 years old, or 35 years old. Most men don't think of their age in terms of numbers, whether he was born in 1967 or 1997 means nothing to him, I can't explain why, it's just how the male mind works, and I should know, I have a male mind. When he looks in the mirror he just sees Tobey Maguire he doesn't think of himself beyond that.

My best friend for a long time was a grizzled Korean War vet that called everyone "Asshole" He was easily 30 years older than me but we'd hang out, have a beer, and do whatever dudes do. The fact that we were separated by at least two generations meant nothing, it simply never came up, and that's just how dudes are. And in a weird way, that applies to what guys think of women too. He doesn't see a 20 year old, he just sees a woman he finds attractive, the fact that she was born in 2004 is something that most likely never even crossed his mind. Of course I'm no psychiatrist, I'm simply stating my opinion from experience and I could be wrong by a mile. But I doubt it. 

I look at her and while I don't find her particularly attractive myself, all I see is a woman. If you told me she was 31 I'd believe you because as long as she's not a child SHE'S A GROWN UP as much as you or me. They send 20 year olds off to war all the time so if some 20 year old wants to fuck a 49 year old millionaire... really who cares.

I hope my explanation made sense or helped even a little, if it didn't try reading it again