Friday, August 16, 2019

Miranda Lambert News!

Miranda Lambert has a new album that - as all the stupid idiots say - is about to "drop". Pretty exciting stuff. I think it's called "You Won't Buy This", but I could be wrong, maybe I misread it. Now I've never met Miranda Lambert but I can almost guarantee she is exactly the kind of woman that drinks way, way too much Miller Lite around a "bomb fire" and then has three shots of Wild Turkey and challenges a bunch of different women to a fight because they "looked at her man", before collapsing into a crying mess and then has to be carried back to the car. You think I'm joking? I've met so many women like that, I can tell just by looking at them. Go ahead, everyone has to meet at least one woman like that during their lifetime and summer isn't over yet. Sounds like a good time doesn't it.