Thursday, August 8, 2019

Stupid Ass Walks Into a Lamp Post

Some drunken dimwit named Chloe Ferry walked into a lamp post because she's an addled, sub-moron and should probably be euthanized. She's on a show called "Idiots-A-Poppin" or something in the UK and I guess I didn't realize my friends in the UK- who I thought I knew, and respected - were smarter than this. But no I guess they aren't because the television show she's on, "Geordie Shore" is seemingly sort of popular? It must be because it's always in all the celebrity rags. Seriously, this makes me want to vomit. I'm linking a Wikipedia article that describes the show as opposed to it's official page because I'm not even going to look at it. If you watch this garbage, you need help. And don't give me any of that, "sometimes it's good to turn off your brain blahblahblah" because I have some news for you, if you enjoy this, your brain is already permanently off.