Friday, September 3, 2021

Dog the Bounty Hunter is His Name.

 This was supposed to be a story about how Dog the Bounty Hunter was allowed to use the (their description) "N-word" because the "black tribe" said it was okay but his daughter said he was just racist and homophobic. I don't know what evidence she produced, because if you think I don't care about Dog the Bounty Hunter, you should try to imagine how much I don't care about his daughter. 

No, what this really is about is, if you're a normal average person - and trust me you are, you khaki pants wearing lanyard owning worker bee - you don't know anyone named "Dog". Well, I've met at least three "Dogs" (usually Dawg) and every single one of them look like that. So if you see someone that looks like that while you're out buying oatmeal for your 2.5 children and your husband with the closet full of golf shirts, you can rest assured his name is Dog. While you're at the store get me some beef jerky would you, you beige statistic.