Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Elvira is Gay

 Elvira has been in a relationship with her assistant Theresa Wireson for the last 19 years


'Could my fans hate me for not being what they expected me to be? 

'I'm very aware that there will be some who will be disappointed and maybe even angry, this point in my life, I've got to be truthful about who I am,' she said.

I have some bad news for her. No one cares. Like, at all. I'd forgotten Elvira was even alive at this point. I don't have the slightest idea why any of these people think we give a shit about who they're fucking. We don't.  Not to mention the fact that she waited until she was 70 years old to say something. Nearly as old as my mom. I won't go into her long wordy story about how they met and blah blah... I only read about half of it anyway.