Friday, February 16, 2024

Amy Schumer Swells with Pride

 Amy Schumer talked about her swollen face...

"Yeah I'm kind of fat what do you expect"

No she didn't really say that. No one cares about Amy Schumer's face. Maybe in the whole wide world let's say 100,000 people actually give a shit about Amy Schumer's face, and I'm being extremely generous. Out of EIGHT BILLION people alive, MAYBE in all seriousness a couple hundred thousand even really remember who Amy Schumer is. Thirty years ago none of us would even know this was taking place but thanks to the internet and social media etc you people who normally don't have lives, hobbies, or a connection to the outside world, suddenly have a way to let your voice be heard. And they use it to talk about Amy Schumer.

But of course Amy made this about the fact that she's a woman, instead of a person with a balloon face. Anyway, I'm sick of writing about this already there's a link up there if you give a shit about Amy Schumer's face and if you do I suggest you go outside and take a walk. Look at some squirrels, pet a dog, life is short