Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Nicky Hilton Telefons

 It's Fashion Week. Again.  It feels like this just happened. But hey Nicky Hilton was there. I have no idea who could possibly give a fuck where this woman goes, but some of the news outlets were talking about it so I figured I may as well too since there isn't a whole lot of anything else going on.

I tried to find a picture of her where she didn't look like somebody hypnotized her and maybe installed a trigger word so all they have to do is call her cellphone and say it when she answers...

Nicky's Celphone: ring ring

Nicky: Hullo (I'm sure she says "Hullo" instead of Hello)

Caller: Sunny Timbuktu

Nicky hanging up: I must assassinate the Prime Minister

And there you have it. Way more exciting than Fashion Week isn't it. I'll try to avoid writing about this but it seems to go on way longer than a week, and I guess lots of people want to know what Irina Shayaka or whatever the fuck her name is is up to