Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ryan Cherwinski is a Tool

I'm nobody's White Knight but c'mon man who does this? Ryan Cherwinski, that's who. He's the 31 year old idiot that grabbed 21 year old Emelia Holden's ass as he walked by her in the pizza place where she worked. Ryan Cherwinski, 31, of Palm Bay, Florida Ryan Cherwinski, Ryan Cherwinski, Ryan Cherwinski, 31,of Palm Bay, Florida  31,was the guy that got his ass kicked by a waitress and was subsequently arrested for sexual battery (!). That sounds kind of serious to me. But if you ask me this stupid asshole should get the fucking chair. I'm a dude and doing something like this has never crossed my mind. I just do not get it. Oh and in case you're wondering, I keep using his name over and over again so when anyone Googles his name it'll always show up. I also think this sort of makes her pretty hot even though that's probably not what I'm supposed to be taking away from all of this.