Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Amber Heard Talks with her Hands

Amber Heard was also at the SXSW Festival which, I get it now, is basically a hipster comic book convention in Texas. She discussed various things on her "panel" like, her bi-sexuality, Johnny Depp and whatever else she's constantly blathering about to try to keep her name in the news. I mean. who's ever heard of a bi-sexual woman before?  Oh maybe she talked about Aquaman too, which she was apparently in but who the fuck knows anymore. These celebrity types are in everything all the time now and you people never, ever shut the fuck up about it, like she personally signed up to be in Aquaman as a favor to you because your reality mixes with the internet. "Oh yes my good friend Amber Heard agreed to do Aquaman because she liked my tweet about doing the sequel". Losers.