Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Jennifer Lawrence is the Real Superhero

So this Jennifer Lawrence news apparently happened a month ago. But I guess her announcement to take a break from acting so she could save the world got drowned out by all the stories about her face and whoever she's dating now. I don't really know, I see stories about these people out wandering around and I think of 10 sentences to string together to try to entertain you apes, and then I move on with my life. I'm not stalking Jennifer Lawrence despite all evidence to the contrary.

 I obviously didn't watch the video because unless it's about chemtrails, big foot or female professional wrestlers I wouldn't sit through a 13 minute You Tube video if it was hosted by Jesus Christ himself. So if you're interested in what she has to say, why not get a little crazy and click the little play button yourself. For all I know she talks about donkey shows in Tijuana, which would interest me a lot more than anything Jennifer Lawrence has to say about politics or "saving democracy" At a minimum though I'll post something she said,  that was included at the original story from the garbage website I originally saw this at.

“I know it’s hard to talk about politics these days,” says Lawrence, who announced last year that she would take a temporary break from acting to focus on her advocacy. “But, look, the government is ours. We pay for it, so it needs to work for us, and right now, it doesn’t.”
It's hard to talk about politics these days because people like you never shut the fuck up about it. But you know what? Do your thing. I'm sure you think this'll add another dimension to your public persona and maybe people will think of you for being super smart and maybe you are, and maybe they will. I didn't even realize she was doing this and I'm on the news and celebrity websites all day long. Well most of the day. Okay I skim them in the morning, but you'd think there would've been more news about her taking a break from acting to fix politics, instead of her taking a break because she can't open a movie on her own.