Saturday, August 12, 2023

Leonardo DiCaprio is a Hit


Leonardo DiCaprio made the news for being on a yacht with a bunch of 20 year old models. I'm sorry, I just do not understand the appeal of Leonardo DiCaprio. Even as a guy, I can look at some other guys and say... "okay I get it" but this guy? He's rich, so I get that part. Women are very, very mercenary when it comes to money. Have you seen some of the guys these models date just because they're rich? Look at Salma Hayek's billionaire husband.  Not only is the guy a frog, but he looks like he gets driven to all of these events in a very short school bus. 

Leonardo DiCaprio these days seems to be known more now for dating models that are too young to buy alcohol, what's the last movie you saw him in? "Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood?" Sweetheart, that was almost five years ago, and really, how many people actually saw that. So he's famous sure, but only by inertia. I guess if dimwitted teenagers want to date a mildly attractive 50 year old man that's on the down slope of his career just because he's rich I guess it's none of my business.