Sunday, August 13, 2023

Meghan Markle is Cool

 Meghan Markle was in Montecito California for some reason. It probably has something to do with her "mental health" because that's the new "thing" these days. Not therapy, I mean just having mental problems. In fact that little thing (arrow) is an "anti-stress" patch which I'm sure is available at Target and is probably just a blue sticker because anyone that buys that, and thinks it would actually work, would have to be stupid beyond belief

 This took place on Thursday and I'd just like to say a few things. 

Firstly, I didn't wait to write this. For some reason this was just published and I just saw it today (Sunday)

Second, I don't write about these two idiots very much because frankly nobody outside of England cares even the slightest bit about anything having to do with the Royal Family. That's a bizarre British thing. It's just not something that crosses anyone's mind.

Third, she's wearing a scarf and a pretty heavy wool jacket. In California. In the Summer. It was nearly 80 degrees in Montecito on Thursday.  

Heavy jackets in the Summer is a very weird phenomena that I've written about before. And Meghan even added a scarf. So I guess these people really do have a lot of mental health problems. Like the homeless guy that's wearing 11 winter hats and 14 coats in July