Monday, April 22, 2024

Jennifer Lopez is a White Night

 Jennifer Lopez put on a tight white dress and went for a "mom's night out" whatever that is. It's funny there's no mention of her husband lately, what's that guy's name? Oh right Ben Affleck. I bet she forgot too. I hope she had a good time considering nobody is buying her album, or tickets for her "world tour".  I've been saying for years that these two (Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez), should take their money and retire to a fancy cabin in the woods somewhere. It's not going to get better for them from here. 

At this point who remembers Jennifer Lopez? People that watch The View and think that women still need to be "empowered" that's who, even though women run 76% of the Human Resources departments, are in charge of most colleges,  and even head up  most of Hollywood now.  

Well either way I'm going to avoid writing about Jennifer Lopez going forward. Mostly because she's boring and really nobody cares any more