Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sophia Bush is Gay Now Too

Sophia Bush says she's gay now too. Off hand, I'd say I don't think I've ever seen Sophia Bush before this story even though for some reason her name sounds vaguely familiar, what I can tell you is she's probably being honest because she looks super gay. The header picture alone sets off my Gaydar like a entire formation of Russian tactical bombers just violated Alaskan airspace. So she probably isn't lying for clout like I get the idea some many of these people do. She said...

'I didn't expect to find love in this support system,' began the star who noted that her bond with Harris was rare and beautiful. 'I don't know how else to say it other than: I didn't see it until I saw it.'

She was married to  a dude so this is the classic "late in life lesbian".  I thought I wrote about some other actress suddenly becoming gay. I was going to link it but maybe I didn't. I looked for a whole five minutes. The things I do for you people. Oh wait here it is. Sorry I wrote that two days ago. I don't know how you expect me to remember every thing I do