Thursday, April 4, 2024

Shakira is the Queen of Ages

Shakira has a new boyfriend, his name is Who Cares. The only reason I'm even writing about this is he's 31 and she's nearly 50 years old yet I haven't seen anyone mention their age gap. I wonder why that is. It's pretty swiftly pointed out by a lot of people when the genders are reversed, but now suddenly it's all "yassss kween" and "you go gurl" or whatever you dummies blurt out when you're drunk. I've said here probably 100 times that any difference in age is meaningless to me, especially since most of the time these people are well into adulthood. 

Anyway, I hope they have fun before she gets sent to prison for tax evasion.  Wait I just read that I guess she isn't going to jail. Shit there goes all those women in prison fantasies I made up in my head just now