Monday, May 11, 2020

!!!Breaking Kristen Wiig News!!!

Kristen Wiig might be pregnant which is good for her because this is the first time I've thought about Kristen Wiig since she got married.

Blah blah blah...
'I don't know if I truly appreciated my mom the first 45 years of my life. 
'But this year I'm feeling especially grateful for her advice, her love. I'm so thankful for all the things she's taught me, like preparing me to be a mom myself.'
That's a pretty big hint. She's 45 so this is what in medical terms would be known as a "geriatric pregnancy". Or the now more Human friendly term "advanced maternal age" because Mother Nature tries to stop people having babies at some point over 35 or there'd be 20 trillion people on the planet. Hey I don't name the medical things and I'm also not in charge of planetary evolution so if you have a problem with any of this take it up with the AMA.